Dear Professor Kaiako


Today I met up with a long time friend of mine, his name is Keinon and we went to a trail near our houses to do some training and mess with our instincts. We started off by walking to a clearing and I didn’t realise how much bigger he had gotten since he left for school, we found a pretty quiet clearing and we took some pictures of him using his Instinct, which is crazy powerful and it looked really cool through my camera.


Keinon is able to move the gas that surrounds his body and manipulate it into plasma which repels other matter, he uses it while training by punching and using air to force the strength of his attacks a good 20 feet further, tho I remember when we met in high school and he could only push his force 7 feet max. When he concentrates his power on a specific area it manifests as a bluish glow surrounding his body and he showed me the difference in strength between when he's using his power and when he's not.


He wanted to help me get better at using weapons so that when I use my sword I'm not just flailing it around like an idiot, we found some sticks, cut them to a decent size and I whittled mine a bit just to add an edge. We fought on train tracks to test our footwork and it helped me focus less on where I was stepping versus where my feet would be placed, Keinon and I were basically fighting in ‘the pocket’ the entire time. He showed me how to deal with heavier weapons which I imagine I'm going to highly appreciate in the future.


Keinon is actually home for a while right now so maybe I'll spar with him again soon and seeing as he wants to be a fighter in the future, maybe he can teach me more about close-quarter combat. Overall I had a lot of fun documenting my small adventure today and plan to send more letters your way.


Hope all is well back at the Academy

From Matt

MARCH 15, 2020